10min English運営チーム
エミリー 10minガール

今では、旅行先で出会った人と英語で会話を楽しみ、友達になるのが何よりの喜びです。 英語学習の過程で、短い時間でも効果的なトレーニング方法を見つけることが大切だと実感しました。
そこで、10min Englishを始めました。
みなさんが英語を学ぶ楽しさを実感し、着実に会話力を向上できるよう、全力でサポートします! 一緒に英語上達の旅を楽しみましょう!
趣味は、旅行、料理、ヨガ。 モットーは「楽しみながら学ぶ」です。
Emily 10min Girl
Hello! I’m Emily, the 10min Girl. To be honest, I was terrible at English during my student days. However, when I went on an overseas trip and felt frustrated that I couldn’t communicate with the locals, it motivated me to start learning English conversation.
I focused on frequently used phrases in daily conversations and increased the amount of conversation practice. Gradually, English words began to flow out of my mouth, and I became able to talk with locals during my travels.
Now, my greatest joy is having conversations in English with people I meet while traveling and becoming friends with them. Through my English learning journey, I realized how important it is to find effective training methods, even if it’s just for a short time. That’s why I started 10min English.
I create lessons that make it easy and fun for beginners to learn the English conversation phrases commonly used by native speakers, drawing from my own experiences. I’m fully committed to supporting everyone in experiencing the joy of learning English and steadily improving their conversation skills! Let’s enjoy the journey of improving our English together!
My hobbies are traveling, cooking, and yoga. My motto is “Learn while having fun.”

Let’s explore the world creatively together!
Hello there! I’m Sarah, a 26-year-old graphic designer living in the same city as Emily. My passion lies in exploring new languages and cultures while unleashing my creativity. Through my work in design, I seek to push the boundaries of art and expression.
My encounter with Emily happened at a local language exchange event. I instantly connected with her passionate and innovative approach to language learning. Since then, we’ve been elevating each other’s language skills and broadening our global perspectives through thought-provoking discussions.
I’ve been learning Japanese for a few years now, and by deepening my understanding of the language and culture, I find fresh inspiration for my designs. Emily is an invaluable presence in my life, as we continually spark each other’s creative ideas.
In my work, I aim to move people’s hearts through the power of design. I believe that visual communication has the ability to transcend language and cultural barriers to deliver meaningful messages. I’m always seeking new ideas, following my curiosity wherever it leads me.
In my personal life, I enjoy exploring art galleries and discovering delicious new restaurants. I also cherish the opportunity to refresh myself in nature. When I go hiking, I relish the time spent in deep conversation with friends.
My motto is “Creativity holds infinite possibilities.” Through my pursuit of design and language learning, I want to continue exploring my own potential.
Let’s explore the world creatively together!
My hobbies include appreciating art, cooking, and hiking.

私がエミリーと出会ったのは、日本滞在中のこと。彼女の語学学習へのユニークなアプローチに感銘を受け、すぐに意気投合しました。今では、私のブログでも彼女の10min Englishレッスンを紹介し、言語学習と旅行の喜びを組み合わせるアイデアについてよく議論します。
Nice to meet you! I’m Jake, a 28-year-old nomad worker from the United States, traveling the world. As a travel writer and blogger, I’m passionate about sharing the insights and experiences I gain through immersing myself in local cultures and interacting with people from all walks of life.
When I first started traveling, I wasn’t confident in my language abilities and struggled to communicate with locals. However, as I journeyed on, I learned the tricks to overcoming language barriers and found myself able to converse fearlessly in any situation.
I met Emily during my stay in Japan. I was immediately impressed by her unique approach to language learning and felt an instant connection with her. Now, I feature her 10min English lessons on my blog, and we often discuss ideas about combining the joys of language learning and travel.
You only live once, and that’s why I strive to fill my days with new encounters and discoveries. There’s so much to learn from the world and by exposing myself to diverse cultures and values, I believe I can grow as an individual.
My motto is “Break through the barriers of language and culture!” I hope to use my experiences from my travels to convey the importance of global communication.
Let’s explore the world together and overcome language barriers!
My hobbies include interacting with locals, photography, and challenging myself with extreme sports.